Sunday, November 27, 2011

3x5 Inch Paper Delightfulness

So ..... all of the time I've been spending in the kitchen almost made me forget that I write a blog about paper.  The food traditions that I come from are almost frightening. I am wired to cook and bake my way through the next several weeks. It's seems impossible to avoid. Thankfully, I love it.

It's pretty certain that I probably won't be making many scrapbook pages in the days ahead BUT there are so many exciting paper things I can write about when it comes to Christmas. Here's a little paper something I'll be spending a lot of time with in the next few weeks ... recipe cards.

It's pretty amazing that this tiny piece of paper can turn into something that smells and tastes so delicious ...

It's just one piece of paper with my mom's handwriting on it. (and a little bit of mine because I can never seem to put the right amount of frosting on each cookie). Handwritten recipes are my favorite kind. I especially like the ones that have a little blob of this or that on them.

Did people ask you for a recipe when you were together at Thanksgiving?  Sit down with some index card and write out a few copies. It's surely tempting to type it up and send a mass email, but trust me ... a handwritten recipe is special. It's just another one of the disappearing paper "arts" that you can help to preserve. A recipe card is a little piece of you.

The only thing better than the recipe card is a recipe card that comes with a delicious sample attached.

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