How can I give so much credit to one piece of paper? This study sheet hasn't changed in all the years I've been going to HomeMakers. It has stayed consistent and I've followed along week after week. It's the only thing in my life that I can say I've stayed true to when it comes to reading & studying the things that impact me as a Believer. A lot of other studies and devotionals have been my companion here and there along the way, but there's nothing like the day to day of my HomeMakers worksheet that even comes close.
So let me save you lots of time and money searching for the "perfect" book to enhance your quiet time. You can listen along and start making this piece of paper a part of your life too. Just click here no matter where you live ... HomeMakers. Or even better, come with me and my 200 friends on Tuesday mornings. I'll save you a place if you tell me you're coming.
How true.